Nature Walk: GrensPark KempenBroek - Wisbroekroute

Nature Walk GrensPark KempenBroek - Wisbroekroute
Startlocatie: Kerkplein 2
6039 GH
GrensPark KempenBroek - Wisbroekroute
GrensPark KempenBroek - Wisbroekroute
GrensPark KempenBroek - Wisbroekroute
GrensPark KempenBroek - Wisbroekroute
GrensPark KempenBroek - Wisbroekroute

Walking/hiking routes

Nature Walk GrensPark KempenBroek - Wisbroekroute. Enjoy an 8km Nature Walk through the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve KempenBroek. Discover historical buildings and beautiful nature.

Discover old farmhouses, a historic windmill, and ancient fortifications. Enjoy beautiful countryside views in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Walk through meadows and forests, spotting various birds. Explore the past at the old vicarage and mill.

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Route: 5-10 km.
Route from A to A
Marked route


The distances mentioned below are the distances from the location above.

Ice cream parlour
Ice cream parlour